Une araignée sur le plancher
Se tricotait des bott-es
Un limaçon dans un flacon
Enfilait sa culott-e
J’ai vu dans le ciel
Un-e mouche à miel
Pinçant sa guitar-e
La rat tout confus
Sonnait l’angélus
Au son d’la fanfar-e
◊ araignée (f.) = spider
◊ plancher (m.) = floor
◊ se tricoter = to knit (for) oneself
◊ botte (f.) = boot
◊ limaçon (m.) = snail
◊ flacon (m.) = small bottle
◊ enfiler = to put on
◊ culotte (f.) = underpants, panties, knickers
◊ ciel (m.) = sky
◊ mouche (f.) = fly
◊ miel (m.) = honey
◊ pincer = to pluck, to play
◊ sonner = to sound, to ring
◊ angélus (m.) = angelus (daily prayer of this name, announced by a bell at 6am, noon and 6pm)
◊ son (m.) = sound
◊ fanfare (f.) = fanfare (a loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets)